United Ministries Of Faith International
Cornerstone Association of Apostles and Prophets
Membership Benefits
The Association offers a variety of benefits for all its members.
Some of the benefits are:
Assistance with the revelation of your God-given vision
Training, Education, and Equipping
*Licensing and Ordination (information available upon request)
CAOAP and UMOFI offers these benefits and more to you as a member. We believe that these benefits will assist in enhancing your ministry.
Membership Information
To join CAOAP and UMOFI, submit an email request for Membership information and an application. If you would like to also be contacted by phone, please be sure to include a phone number. We will reply within 3-5 business days.
The Association Headquarter is in Riverside, Southern California,
Thank you for your interest in Cornerstone AOAP and United MOFI
We look forward to Uniting with You!