Cornerstone Association of Apostles and Prophets
Cornerstone Association Of Apostles & Prophets and United Ministries Of Faith International is governed by its guidelines and headed by the leadership of Apostle Dr. Shirley Cole-Raiford Chief Counsel, Commissioner and Consecrator.
Cornerstone Association Of Apostles & Prophets and United Ministries Of Faith International are headquartered in Southern California in Riverside County. Although it serves as a spiritual covering for some of its members, it is not a denomination. It does not govern any of its members; however, it does have guidelines and requirements in order to maintain membership.
CAOAP & UMOFI requires each apostle and prophet, including all the 5-fold ministries and the appointed offices of ministries stay with the vision that God has given them. God has given each member a vision of its own, and CAAP & UMOF desires to see each member keeping with their vision.
CAOAP & UMOFI strongly believe and exemplify a high standard of integrity, Godly character, and moral excellence and encourages that these standards be duplicated throughout its membership.
CAOAP & UMOFI Annual Membership Renewal is October of each year. If membership renewal is not received by October 31st, CAAP & UMOF will assume that you are no longer interested in continuing your membership, at which time membership will not be renewed, and all correspondence will stop.
CAOAP & UMOFI Ordination – You must be an active, faithful member for 1-year and participate in monthly visual media activities and training to qualify for Ordination. (Contact Elder James Allen Administrative staff for information, requirements, and cost of Ordination)
CAOAP & UMOFI require that you commit to maintaining a character that is above reproach and will not bring dishonor to the name of Jesus Christ, the Church, or CAOAP & UMOFI.
CAOAP & UMOFI require that you be true men and women of God that are honest and of good report. Who will conduct themselves in a manner that is conducive and acceptable to GOD and CAOAP & UMOFI. That you also have the utmost respect for God, family, and other members and display love and unity.
CAOAP & UMOFI asks that each apostle and prophet, including all the 5-fold ministries and the appointed offices of ministries, have a teachable spirit and desires to grow and fulfill the purpose, plan, and vision that God has given them.
CAOAP & UMOFI is committed to building God’s Kingdom as Christ builds the church through the efforts of the Apostles, Prophets, including all the Five-fold Ministry and the Appointed Offices of Ministries uniting throughout the world. Therefore we ask that our members join us in recruiting new members by sharing information with others about the CAOAP & UMOFI.
CAOAP & UMOFI Financial Information:
There are a number of ministers who regularly send offerings, sow seed offerings and others who tithe to CAOAP & UMOFI which is a blessing and very much appreciated but not a requirement.
A membership fee which includes a $50 nonrefundable application processing fee is required to be submitted with your application.
Membership Fees​ (Annual)
Apostles and Bishops $300
Prophets, Pastors, and Elders $250
All other 5-Fold and Appointed Offices $200
If your application is accepted the fee will be applied to your annual membership dues. For a husband and wife applying together, the fee is $300.00 with a $50 (each) non-refundable application processing fee.
Our calendar year runs from October to October, to coincide with the CAOAP & UMOFI Annual Gathering the 2nd week of October every year.
August of each year members will be billed an Annual October Renewal statement which can be paid onlinethrough a secure portal.
If you are interested in becoming a Member or Partner of Cornerstone Association of Apostles & Prophets and United Ministries Of Faith International subscribe to www.umofaith.com or email: umofaith@outlook.com to request your Application Package.
Apostle Raiford is looking forward to hearing from you as we prepare for the Coming Moves of God!
To contact us through the US Postal Service:
Dr. SAC Raiford UMO-Faith • PO Box 10117 • Moreno Valley, CA 92553-9998