Bishop Wilford RaifordUnited Ministry of FaithIt's with much love and joy I set to pen the things of my heart concerning all of us. Today in the world everyone is talking about...
Bishop Wilford RaifordDefine the Purpose & EvangelismDEFINE THE PURPOSE: Flab 2:2-3 ...Write the vision and make it plain upon tables that he may run that readeth it... Prov 29:18 Where...
Bishop Wilford RaifordFaith Throughout God does not wish that any should perish. We should be witnessing door-to-door, house —to-house, on the street, on radio, on television,...
Bishop Wilford RaifordExpectationEXPECTATION: The Lord kept adding to the church those that were being saved. Expect God to honor His word always. Look for something to...